Social Welfare for Children, Juveniles and Adults 2019

Statistical Review


The Statistical Review contains data on the rights of social welfare for juvenile and adult recipients in 2019; data on institutions for children lacking parental care; institutions for care of persons with disabilities; institutions for children and juveniles with educational and social difficulties and disorderly conduct; institutions for adults; trade companies for employment of disabled persons; and data on inter-municipal centres for social work.

This Review presents data on children's allowances in 2019, as well as data on parental allowances for children for 2019. The State Statistical Office makes efforts, by extending the content of the forms, to enable the collection of as much data as possible, necessary for the country and the international institutions, as well as to ensure greater data comparability at the international level. 

Social Welfare for Children, Juveniles and Adults cover
Republic of North Macedonia State Statistical Office
Publication date
English, Macedonian
ISBN 978-608-227-334-1