15 April 2024

Breaking barriers: An analytical report on Roma children and women

This report provides an overview of selected findings from the sixth round (2018–2020) of Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) conducted in Roma settlements in Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia. It focuses on Roma children and women, aiming to track progress and highlight disparities within the Roma community compared to the…, Focusing on the well-being of Roma children and women within the Roma community is vital for promoting human rights and inclusive development. Empowering them and providing equal opportunities will lead to a more equitable and inclusive society for all. However, addressing the disparities and ensuring access to universal services will require…, Health and Nutrition, Recommendation 1: UNICEF strongly advocates incorporation of Roma mediators into health-care (as well as social and educational) systems to enhance its effectiveness to provide health-care services, particularly for those without health insurance or personal documentation, including Roma mothers in need of antenatal and delivery care. Relevant…, Education, Recommendation 1: UNICEF recommends the adoption of a comprehensive strategy that engages community leaders, parents/caregivers, and positive role models to amplify awareness about the transformative potential of education in alleviating poverty and dependency. The proclamation of role models and the promotion of positive deviance within…, Child Protection, Recommendation 1: Establishing a robust interagency synergy between child protection and other mechanisms such as health, educational and social protection mechanisms is imperative, at both national and subnational levels. Pre-eminently, by harmonizing the efforts of the child protection and social protection agencies, we can create a more…, Social protection and adequate standard of living, Recommendation 1: Stakeholders with a vested interest in promoting social justice should give due consideration to the necessity of enacting policy changes and reforms, as appropriate, to break down barriers and facilitate equitable access to social protection services, with a special focus on historically marginalized communities, such as the…, Roma participation, Recommendation 1: Governments should recognize and act upon the importance of including Roma youth voices in decision making processes by integrating them into youth councils and other platforms, ensuring a more diverse and representative governance.   Recommendation 2: Governments at all levels should ensure equitable and proportional…, APRIL 2024 Breaking barriers: An analytical report on Roma children and women in Kosovo (UNSCR 1244), Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia A summary of findings from four MICS surveys in Roma settlements U NIC EF / UN 0162 31 / Gilb erts on V II | (Lef t) Z oric a D imic , 42, a v isiti ng n urse , che cks up o n ch ildre n at a non -hyg ieni c…